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Stand: B18 – View Map
Loopworks: Unlocking the hearing loop design and specification process. Loopworks is a unique suite of online and App-based tools and resources designed to empower Ampetronic’s customers to understand, specify and design hearing loop systems. Loopworks simplifies and informs every aspect of the hearing loop design and specification process, from site survey to final commissioning. Loopworks also increases efficiency, facilitates Standards compliance and streamlines the whole loop design and testing process, saving time and money.
No matter where you go in this world, you'll find JBL Installed Sound Speakers at most of the notable venues. With that kind of global perspective, JBL has come to respect the one indisputable truth of business: every customer is unique. A speaker system that is perfectly right for one job might be wrong for another. That's why JBL Installed Sound products offer a range of options with equal. The Control HST is one of the many specialist designed Installed Speakers from JBL.