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Agnes McCormack
A board member of FMANZ, Agnes has over 15 years’ experience in Facilities Management across the public and voluntary sectors, working with and on behalf of elected members and stakeholders.
As Head of Operational Management and Maintenance - Community Facilities with Auckland Council, her current portfolio is valued in the region of $11 billion with an annual operational budget circa $130 million. Delivering high quality outcomes for stakeholders is her motivation, as is the lifelong learning afforded by managing a broad range of assets which includes coastal beaches, regional parks, sports fields, urban forests, playgrounds modern high density office accommodation, high use community facilities, and complex aquatic systems.
Technology isn’t just changing the way we work; it’s also changing the way we manage and operate property. Building Information Modelling is one technology that has the potential for significant impact, in retrofits as well as new builds. If you think you know BIM, think again!
With the Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ) we have drawn together a panel of learned experts to provide a forum for debate and to establish what opportunities exist for FM practitioners to capitalise on BIM and related technologies.