Auckland 2023

20-21 Jun, Tue–Wed 10am–5pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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Denise Martin

Denise Martin

Denise Martin is a consulting building analyst in the residential and commercial building sectors of New Zealand and Australia. She founded BEO Ltd and is now the Principal Analyst for Oculus Engineering Ltd.
Her experience expands across several aspects of building science, such as energy efficiency and building performance through computer modelling, hygrothermal detail analysis using WUFI, Isothermal detail analysis and building envelope permeability testing using the Minneapolis BlowerDoor.
Denise has extensive knowledge on Passive House and is a certified Passive House Certifier as well as a Level 2 tester of the Attma Air Tightness Testing and Measurement Association. Denise conducted the first, final and qualifying Blower Door test on the first Passive House in New Zealand.
In 2020 Denise advised the Australian Government on measures to be adopted in their building code to mitigate risks of condensation in residential buildings particularly in regards to mitigating impacts of condensation on occupant health.

See Denise Martin live in Auckland 2023

Tuesday 20 June
James Powers & Denise Martin - The good, the bad and the future of the H1 changes
1:15pm-2pm Seminar Series

Join us for an informative session on the latest H1 changes, including the new acceptable solutions and verification methods. There are more climate zones, higher insulation requirements for both commercial and residential developments & crucially higher window R value requirements. We'll be answering questions like; what are the good and the not-so-good revisions? How can we implement the changes without breaking the bank? We'll also explore future developments in this ever-evolving field.