Auckland 2024

25-26 Jun, Tue–Wed 10am–5pm, Auckland Showgrounds

Seminar Series

Attend the Facilities Integrate Seminar Series for free to up-skill and expand your knowledge on topics showcasing the latest trends and insights. The Facilities Integrate Seminar Series is a hub of knowledge on key topics and issues critical to people who design, construct and manage New Zealand’s buildings and facilities. This is your opportunity to absorb all the knowledge of leading industry experts via panel discussions, seminars, workshops and networking opportunities. All under the one roof and all absolutely free. There's no catch!



Tuesday 25 June

Panel Discussion: The Future of Housing

15 NZRAB CPD points

Q&A panel discussion on the future of housing moderated by Architect Tommy Honey, Executive Director New Zealand Construction Industry Council (NZCIC) 

This session requires registration to attend, click here to register.

Chris MollerDirector of Architecture and Urbanism studio CMA+U 
Rachel Venables, Principal Architect Maynard Marks 
Greer O'DonnellManaging Director -The Urban Advisory  
Jade KakeDirector at Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism 

The BCI Construction League: Industry Insights from New Zealand's Top Builders

10 NZRAB CPD points

Join some of New Zealand's leading construction firms as they weigh in on the construction market outlook for New Zealand, and challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.

With a focus on multi-residential and community, our panellists will discuss the future of these sectors, where are the pain points and what are the opportunities to add value to our society and the fabric of our urban environments. 

We’ll discuss:

  • Construction in NZ: changes on the horizon 
  • Development growth: the influence of regulatory and economic factors
  • Build-to-rent: is it here to stay?
  • Natural disasters and severe weather events: shaping NZ’s future construction landscape
  • Looking ahead: the industry’s biggest opportunities in 202

This session requires registration to attend, click here to register.


Panel Discussion: Exploring the implications and opportunities of the EU-NZ Free Trade Agreement for the construction industry in New Zealand

We now have an FTA agreement in place with Europe, and the government has signalled that it intends to open the market for building products in New Zealand. The panel will discuss what barriers to entry need to be removed to allow this to happen. And how do we protect building owners and ratepayers from the next leaky building debacle.

10 NZRAB CPD points

  • Moderator: Monique Surges, CEO - NZ German Chamber of Commerce 
  • Sarah Johal, Senior Policy Officer NZ-EU FTA Implementation Lead - Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
  • Charlotte Robertson, Senior Associate in the Litigation & Dispute Resolution team - Construction Sector Hesketh Henry 
  • James Lewis, Senior Associate, Litigation  & Dispute Resolution, Construction Sector - Hesketh Henry 
  • Dr Chris Litten, General Manager Research - BRANZ 
  • Ken Pridham, Commercial Director - Starke

This session requires registration to attend, click here to register.

Digging into New Zealand’s Waste: Sustainable Solutions for Construction Waste
The C&D sector accounts for about half of all waste going to landfills. Our presentation will address the whole waste hierarchy by discussing building out waste ("Refuse") at the design stage, working with suppliers and manufacturers to "Reduce" waste, and sorting and separating waste for "Reuse" and/or "Recycling".
We will demonstrate how we can minimise barriers to effective waste management on construction sites and how we have worked side by side with contractors to develop practical construction and demolition (C&D) waste solutions. Finally, we will discuss the implementation of waste management plans and how these may affect building consents from a Council perspective.
Prof Terri-Ann Berry
Nigel Benton
Mark Roberts
Trudy Atherton
(Environmental Innovation Centre)

Wednesday 26 June

Elevating Performance: Rethinking Procurement and Facilities Management for Maximum Value
In this presentation, Kara and Jack will delve into the symbiotic relationship between Procurement and Facilities Management (FM), emphasizing the critical role of FM within the Procurement Cycle. They will explore essential tools and strategies aimed at shifting the focus from mere cost reduction to maximizing value.
Key topics to be covered include:
Contractor Relationship Management: Strategies for fostering productive relationships with contractors to enhance service delivery and achieve desired outcomes;
Contract Strategy and Management Plan: Insights into developing effective contract strategies and management plans to optimize resource utilization and mitigate risks;
Identifying Soft and Hard Savings Opportunities: Techniques for identifying and capitalizing on both tangible and intangible cost-saving opportunities; and
Communicating Value to Senior Management: Strategies for effectively articulating the value proposition of FM initiatives to senior management to garner support and resources.
Kara will also highlight:
Integrating Project Management into FM: The value of incorporating project management principles into FM practices and leveraging external expertise to gain fresh perspectives; and
Procurement's Role in Sustainability and Compliance: Exploring how procurement management can contribute to achieving sustainability targets and ensuring compliance within contractual agreements.
Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into practical procurement tools that FM professionals can leverage to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of FM delivery. This is about gaining actionable strategies for driving value and success in FM operations.
Jack Crutzen
Kara Pugh
-Prisma Facilities Management (Independent consultant in procurement and associated change.)
Security and Facilities Management – “Best of Friends or Siloed Competitors”
John Braithwaite from Prisma Facilities Management and Chris Proctor from Beca Applied Technologies will deliver a fascinating insight into the relationship between the FM and security functions – “Best of Friends or Siloed Competitors”. Within the corporate environment, FM and security are surprisingly seen as either best of friends or completely separate disciplines, competing for scarce resources. This polarisation can arise because of existing organisational structures, cherished beliefs, dominant personalities and a range of other factors. As with many things in life, the truth probably sits somewhere in the middle and, whilst FM and security are clearly distinct disciplines, they work better together.
By examining and de-bunking the traditional thinking around siloed security and FM approaches, John and Chris will explore the opportunities for collaborative and supportive engagement, working towards an integrated approach for the benefit of every organisation. They will review tradition, evaluate the transformation over time and propose and challenge what good might look like. There will be the opportunity to engage with the speakers to reference lived experiences, challenge the collaboration approach and leave with new approaches to consider in delivering security and FM services.
John Braithwaite - PRISMA Facilities Management
Chris Proctor - Senior Associate Security Consultant, Beca Applied Technologies 
Building Intelligence: Leveraging data to cut cost and carbon out of buildings

Join Brandon Van Blerk, CEO of Tether, for a compelling exploration into the transformative power of data in building management. This presentation will illuminate the critical role of data analytics and generative AI in achieving operational efficiency and sustainability goals within the construction and facilities management sectors. Brandon will showcase how these technologies enable the mastery of complex datasets, driving cost reductions, energy savings, and minimized carbon footprints. Attendees will emerge with a deep understanding of how data-driven strategies can future-proof buildings, making this session an essential convergence of insight, inspiration, and forward-looking innovation.

Presented by:

Brandon Van Blerk - Tether

Risk Management – Basic compliance or a tool for opportunity?

Health, safety and risk continues to dominate mainstream media, with some commentators still arguing that New Zealand is failing to move the dial on workplace deaths, injury and long term health issues. Risk management and risk assessments are still viewed by many as a burdensome compliance requirement – or even a ‘tick and flick’ exercise to meet some corporate standards. Processes have become overly complex or bureaucratic and present a barrier to full adoption. Join Adam Lynch, Managing Director and Principal Consultant of Reliance Risk NZ for a timely refresher on best practice risk management processes and approaches, breaking down the bureaucratic stigma of risk assessments, as well as exploring how we can turn the dial on risk management to create a tool to identify opportunities for businesses and support FM professionals in their roles. 

Presented by:


Adam Lynch - Principal Consultant, Reliance Risk New Zealand

Empowering Occupants: Enhancing User Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Centralised Air-Conditioned Spaces

The link between indoor air quality and organisational expenses is undeniable. Issues such as decreased productivity and heightened absenteeism due to health concerns and diminished occupant well-being all contribute to significant financial strains for businesses.

Dr Rasheed's presentation will show how overall user satisfaction and optimised energy usage can be achieved in buildings to save associated costs for organisations. She will also showcase an Internet of Things system developed and tested by her research team that grants users newfound control over their comfort levels in air conditioned office spaces
Presented by:
Dr Eziaku O. Rasheed - School of Built Environment, Massey University
Business excellence and quality management in the Facilities Management Profession
The presentation will cover the ISO 41000 series of standards for facility management that will help facilities managers improve what they do. The discussion is intended to lift the FM profession in Aotearoa to be on par with other OECD countries (excluding New Zealand) that came together to develop these standards in 2018.
The standard is relevant for both facility owners and FM providers that wish to deliver prescribed measurable results using consistent and reliable mechanisms aligned with international best practice. FM organisations and providers have the opportunity to influence the efficiency and productivity of New Zealand businesses using an integrated FM management system to improve workforce productivity, safety and well-being and to maximise value from their assets.
Presented by:
Raymond Tan -Massey University