Modern Pest Control Using NB-IoT
NB-IoT technology can penetrate concrete, underwater, underground and deep into infrastructure, and thus is set to shape connective facilities through a wide range of applications including remote monitoring for heating devices, alarms, water tank levels and now pest trappings.
In partnership with MinkPolice, who are well established in Europe, and using Vodafone’s IoT network, ALPECO have created an innovative IoT pest control solution to help you catch more pests, more often.
Each device contains a SIM card which connects via Vodafone’s IoT network to the MinkPolice smart-phone application and notifies the facility/property/farm manager whenever a device is activated, providing the exact location of the trap to clear it and reset it.
The NB-IoT network and ALPECO’s pest control solution not only provides greater connectivity, it enables the user to set traps in more remote areas knowing they’ll still have reliable connectivity. Better yet, it’s non-toxic, long-lasting, user-friendly, secure, scalable and affordable.