Minimising Confined Space Fatalities Within City Utilities, Construction and Industrial Sites – A Radical New Approach
It is well established that 50% of CS fatalities are caused by the sentry rushing in to attempt a self-rescue of colleagues collapsed inside a space. This adds to the number of victims and costs over 1000 lives pa worldwide.
Over many years, regulators and standards bodies have revised / improved training, competency, codes, signage, permits, communications etc. All worthwhile improvements (mainly administrative) that have failed to address the root cause or provide a related solution so it recurs with tragic loss of life.
This presentation is the result of seven years of study, investigation, research and recent product development. It is not “more of the same” but actually identifies the real root cause (that no one addressed before) and suggests a radical new approach to the issue. The human factors we have highlighted, dictate that CS incidents will continue to occur but now with an automatic engineering control we can instantly initiate first responders without delay and therefore minimise loss of life.