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Sian Taylor
Sian Taylor - Owner Team Green Architects
In 2011, Siân became one of the first architects in NZ to become Passive House certified. This completely changed her approach to construction and architecture and fueled the passion that would become Team Green in 2012.
This passion for sustainability continued to grow and in 2019 Sian became a co-founder of the New Zealand Architects Declare movement to encourage architects to come together and declare a climate emergency and acknowledge the part that the built environment is playing.
Siân has worked as an architect in Queenstown since 2005 for John Blair Architects and Warren and Mahoney as their project architect and local sustainability specialist. Before that, she was a project architect for one of the UK’s largest firms. She also worked on the Sustainable Education team, which nourished her passion for sustainable buildings.
With lockdown having a dramatic effect on all of New Zealand, businesses have had to pivot to work together more efficiently. When it comes to the design, construction and management of New Zealand’s Buildings, there is pressure now more than ever on getting it right from the start. So how can we improve those processes, save on costs and work more efficiently across industries? Join our panel of experts from the architecture, construction, sustainability and facility management sectors for a pan-industry debate on How Can We Build Buildings Better?