Determining The Charging Capacity Your Facility Needs
Glenn Inkster - e-Mobility Division Manager, TransNet NZ Limited
We inherently lean toward ‘bigger is always better’. With EV charging infrastructure that’s not always the case and in some instances, this way of thinking leads to unnecessary expense building something that simply isn’t required. Enabling people to easily work out the EV charging capacity they need, without having to get technical with kw / kwh / amp / kVa etc is key and we will work through doing just that! With a firm understanding of EV charging basics, you’re in a better position to truly understand what capacity your facility is actually going to need (taking in to account the ability to futureproof) and make an informed commitment to get that infrastructure. Simple things like the way parking spaces are planned (angle, parallel etc) and how to best position sprinklers/cable tray to have it ready for the inevitability of EV charging infrastructure being installed can be the difference between a fast, easy, inexpensive install or a long costly and invasive one. We work through the process to make your carpark area ‘EV ready’ and most importantly what that actually means. Part of this planning and understanding of exactly what is required is the reason single phase charging is more flexible and lower cost than three phase charging.